Think You Qualify For A New Roof? Here’s What to Do.
If a hail or wind storm has recently hit your area, you may be wondering if you qualify for a new roof. Here’s what Mutual Roofing recommends you do next:
Survey the Damage
While we don’t recommend that homeowners get on their roof, we do encourage you to look from the ground to see if you can spot any damage. Sometimes you can use your finger around the exterior frame of a window to feel for dents which would indicate hail damage.
Call a Roofing Contractor
We know you can choose from several roofing contractors in Omaha, however, we believe our thorough and no-pressure assessment can provide you a good indication of whether the damage on your home warrants a claim. Not only will we look at your roof, but we also check windows, paint, siding or exterior, gutters, vents, air conditioning units, concrete, including driveways and pool decks, and any downed or damaged electrical wires or other utilities. Our meticulous process of exterior inspection is what differs us from other roofing companies in Omaha.
In the event that the damage is less than the amount of your deductible, we would provide you with an estimate on site.
Call Insurance Company
If we notice that the damage is significant and would require your entire roof to be replaced, we will recommend that you call your insurance carrier’s claims number (see below for a list of common carriers and their numbers) so they can send an adjuster out. As a homeowner, it’s very important to make it clear to your insurance company that you want representation onsite from Mutual Roofing. We are an advocate for the homeowner and ensure the scope of damage they present you matches ours.
Review Proposal
Your insurance company will then file a report assessing the damage and an estimate for repairs. Mutual Roofing will review that report and ensure (line by line) that their assessment matches what we saw. This process is called supplementing and our goal is to ensure that your property is fully restored to it’s pre-storm condition.
If you find yourself in a position of possibly having to file a claim, then we encourage you to check out the steps above. As a helpful tool, here is a list of common carriers of home insurance in the area with their accompanying claims lines:
Allstate: 1-800-626-4527
Nationwide: 1-800-421-3535
USAA: 1-800-531-8722
American Family: 1-800-692-6326
Farmers: 1-800-435-7764
Farm Bureau: 1-800-226-6383
Farmer’s Mutual: 1-800-742-7433
Liberty Mutual: 1-800-2CLAIMS
Iowa Mutual: 1-800-333-8692
If you would like Mutual Roofing to come take a look at your home, please give us a call at (402) 889-3381 or fill out our contact form.