7 Family Fun Things to Do Around Omaha This Winter
7 Family Things to Do in Omaha This Winter
If you are looking for some fun family activities to do in Omaha this Winter season, check out our guide. Some events have a cost associated with them
1.Visit the UNMC Ice Skating Rink
Once a year the University of Nebraska Medical Center opens and sets up their ice rink. It’s free for UNMC, University of Nebraska at Omaha, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Clarkson College, Nebraska Medicine employees, students, and dependents and Ronald McDonald House employees and house guests.
For the general public, however, there is a $7/per person cost that includes skate rentals.
2. Take Family Photos at Mulhall’s (FREE)
Mulhall’s is one part a nursery and one part a home decor store. Several photographers also use their backdrops as the scene for family photos because they provide that “Magnolia” look and feel. There are several garden and home decor displays including miniature Christmas settings, toy train, and other toys that the kids will enjoy seeing.
Additionally, Mulhall’s has special events that feature Santa and some of his reindeers.
3. Visit Lauritzen Gardens’ Poinsettia Show
From November 23, 2018- January 6, 2019 Lauritzen Gardens has an annual Poinsettia show. This includes over 5,000 Poinsettias in over 20 varieties and a 20-foot tall Poinsettia tree. New this year is their Family Chill Zone which includes family-friendly activities, crafts, explore igloos, paint on ice, and gather around a fire.
Santa and s’mores kits will be available on certain evenings. Cost is the same as general admission.
4. Henry Doorly Zoo Penguin & Pancakes
This event is offered daily from Wednesday, December 26th-Sunday, December 30th from 9:00-10:30 and includes a pancake breakfast, crafts, and a visit from the African penguins. Tickets range from $20-$25/adult and $15-$20/children- less if you’re a zoo member.
Reservations are required.
5. Drive Through a Live Nativity Scene (FREE)
On Sunday, December 16th from 6-8 PM you can drive through a live nativity scene at St. Andrew’s United Methodist church. This includes watching a re-enactment of the night Jesus was born all from the warmth of your vehicle.
Once you finish, you can head inside for pictures with Santa and activities.
6. Visit Sycamore Farms “Winter Wonderland”
Enjoy visiting with 70 vendors indoors and other family-friendly activities. This includes a visit with Santa, live ice sculpture viewing, hayrack rides, bonfire, lights display, ornament and cookie decorating, and more. There are some paid activities such as pony/carriage rides or food trucks available to purchase.
Cost is $5/day or $10/weekend and free for people 12 and under.
6. See the Westside Church Christmas Pageant
This is the 31st annual pageant put on by Westside Church. It’s a Broadway-style musical presentation of the Christmas story. The production is about 1.5-2 hours long and always includes live animals (most often camels).
Cost is between $5-$15 per ticket.
7. See the Omaha Holiday Lights Festival (FREE)
This lights festival is located in Downtown Omaha from November 22nd-January 6th. It includes over 40 blocks of dazzling lights downtown and lots of family-friendly activities.
There are several events and activities offered including trolley rides, ice rink, and a NYE Fireworks show.
Is there something we’re missing on this list, let us know!
As always, if you need a FREE roof inspection then call us at (402) 889-3381.